All about WPF Charts

All about WPF Charts

Code-Behind and Markup

Additional programming enhancements are offered by WPF for Windows client application development. Probably the most obvious enhancement is the possibility to use both markup and code-behind, something that ASP.NET developers should be familiar with. The appearance implementation of an application is generally done by using the Extensible Application Markup Language also known…

WPF Applications

The foundation of the WPF application development experience is formed from System.Windows, .NET Framework and code-behind and markup. In addition to these, Windows Presentation Foundation is creating rich content user experiences by having comprehensive features. The content is put together as a package and delivered as "applications". Services and types…

WPF Programming

Located in the System.Windows namespace for the most part WPF exists as a subset of .NET Framework. WPF programming experience should be familiar if one has previously built applications with .NET Framework using ASP.NET and Windows Forms. What you can do is you can set properties, handle events, instantiate classes, all using…